Have you ever come across the following? Your colleagues say, just create a dashboard, but some minutes later the gate is open for query hell. Most average dashboards contain minimal two query languages like for logs, metrics and traces. Wouldn’t it be great to standardise and put effort in an unified approach. Luckily for you the CNCF TAG for Observability started a working group to solve this compatibility issue and define standards, just like OpenTelemetry does for Telemetry data.
Last Thursday our colleague Arnold van Wijnbergen joined his second in-person Meetup organised by the Dutch Kubernetes/Cloud-Native community. It was organised at the Datadog office following the theme Observability Day.
Besides two other interesting talks about OpenTelemetry and Picnic their customer story, both William Rizzo and Arnold kicked off with two lightning talks. William, recently became CNCF Ambassador, talked about the Observability Whitepaper that was released several weeks ago. This first release was led by the Observability Technical Advisory Group which is part of the CNCF ecosystem. Takeouts where this is only the start, many things can be added and contributions like new topics or experiences are more than welcome !
Arnold extended the CNCF whitepaper introduction by diving into the working group which is busy creating a first recommendation about a standardized query layer. This awesome initiative was kickstarted at Kubecon Amsterdam and mainly driven by Chris Larson (Netflix) and other companies like Ebay, Apple, etc. Still having various DSLs can be cumbersome and slows down productivity for many companies. Wouldn’t it be great to have a vendor neutral DSL that helps to smoothly integrate these various tools. Currently the focus of the working group is on DSL designer interviews and having end user surveys. Delivery of a recommendation is planned around Q1/2024. Also great to see recognition and several questions that came from the audience.
The meetup continued with the other talks mentioned above. Lovely to have such enthusiastic and passioned audience.
We can really look back to a well organised meetup and would like to thank everybody for having a great evening at the Datadog office in Amsterdam.
If you are interested, take a moment to watch the recording back at Dutch Kubernetes/Cloud-Native Youtube channel.